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Browse through our past events to see where our journeys have taken us.

Events from Our Archive

Israeli Cuisine

August 18th at 6:30 - Enjoy the Third Movie of the Jewish Film Festival

Miriam Elman

July 31st from 4 to 6 PM - Learn about Hate Speech from an Expert

Raise the Roof

July 21st at 6:30 PM - Enjoy the Second Film of the TBE Festival

Salamone Rossi Music

July 17th at 3 PM - Learn about eighteenth century Jewish music

Dough, the movie

June 23rd at 6:30 - Enjoy the first movie of the Jewish Film Festival

Mirit Hadar

June 14th at 7PM, Area Congregations Together will host Mirit Hadar at their annual meeting.

Noah in His Ark

June 12th at 3 PM at Temple Beth El
A Fun Event for Families

Rabbi Jeff Roth

June 11th and 12th at Tikkun v'Or with Rabbi Jeff Roth

Rabbi Jack Moline

May 17th at 7:30 PM - About the 2016 Presidential Elections

Rabbi Jack Moline

May 16th at 7:30 - Hear a scholar speak of today's important issues

Israeli Independence Day

May 12th beginning at 5 PM - Everyone is invited!!

Rabbi Ari Lamm

May 6th at 9 PM. Hear a scholar in residence speak after Shabbat dinner at 104 West!

Photo by Ek, Derrick. "Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Story with C-S Students."The Leader. Campbell-Savona High School, 7 May 2015

May 5th at 7 PM- Attend Our Annual Holocaust Commemoration Event with Helen Levinson

No Home Movie

May 5, 2016 at 7 PM - A film of love and melancholy

Kindertransport Memorial in Gdansk, Poland

May 2nd at 7:30 - Holocaust Remembrance at Wells College

Congregation Tikkun v'Or

April 23rd at 6 PM - Participate in a community seder at Tikkun v'Or

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

April 20th at 5:00 PM - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks will speak at Cornell

Martin Luther King Jr with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

April 18th at 5 PM - What is the current state of Black/Jewish interaction in the U.S.

Ottoman empire

April 18th at 4:30 PM - Hear Professor Marc Baer, of the London School of Economics and Political Science

Wine Tasting

April 17th - 4 to 6 PM Delight in the Delicious Wines for Passover

Pastrami on Rye

April 10th from 11 AM to 3 PM - Get Your Mouthful!
